Walking shoes, gym shoes or basket ball boots are essentially not suitable for mountain walking since they provide little support for the ankles or protection for the foot on rough ground.
Boots are essential but they need neither be very expensive nor very heavy. A good boot for mountain walking should be fairly broad for its size and have a good heel. This will reduce the risk of twisted ankles. The sole should be strong and slightly flexible for easy walking. Most boots now use composition rubber so use a reputable mountaineering sole and not an industrial sole which may grip well in oil but not on mossy and wet rock. With composition rubber soles be careful on hard snow or ice, on steep wet grass and on mossy or greasy rocks.
Socks Wear one or two pairs of socks or stockings. Keep them in good condition, put them on smoothly and see that they fit well. A spare pair of socks is useful for a dry change. A woolen socks may be kept for sleeping in the sleeping-bag as feet tend to get cold fast and warm last and this leads to uncomfortable sleep.
Keep The Mountains Clean